Our world is teetering like never before. All the institutions we ve traditionally put our hope in, are today not looking so dependable. Organised religion seems fractured, offering either woolly uncertainties or something much more sinister. Politicians have never seemed more untrustworthy than they do now. Celebrities live in safe cocoons, communing with their worshippers through tweets. Everyone it seems has an agenda . People we may have trusted in our younger years are now having their true characters exposed by a voracious and nasty media. Wars are not just beamed in to our homes, they have morphed into new terrors within our own communities. We are now all targets for bullets, knives and shrapnel. And it has all happened so quickly that we haven t yet been able to fully take it all in. Where is our hope ... or is it all just hopeless? Surely there must be an answer? Perhaps we are looking in the wrong places?