Many Christians have forsaken social activism, since history seems at first glance to be moving against us.
John Barber's book does precisely what is needed. He advocates a clear program for Christian cultural activism, based on the biblical program of the Kingdom of God. He shows that we need to emphasise both the Cultural Mandate (filling and subduing the earth) and the Great Commission (making and teaching disciples of Jesus). And he shows that although we sometimes endure defeat, God's plan cannot fail.
There is a lot of debate about whether or not Christians should be involved in politics or culture for the purpose of reforming them. Should we concentrate on evangelism and reaching the unregenerate souls? Or should we try to reform every institution to conform to God's standard? What John Barber's book does is show us that it is not an "either/or" situation. The two elements work together. Reforming culture helps us to evangelise. And evangelising helps us to reform culture. Interwoven in both endeavours is God's sovereignty and the fact that God is working all things to His glory. Earth Restored is not another book on why America is great because the godly Founding Fathers wanted it that way, so we should strive to bring the country back to its former state. This book is about what the Bible says we as Christians should do in, for, and through the culture around us. It also gives a detailed look at the components of a biblical worldview, very important in having a godly perspective.
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